Meet the Founder

Bobbi Knuckle

I currently reside in Tampa, FL and have been working as a Software Developer in the Financial Services industry for the past 5 1/5 yrs. I graduated from the University of Florida in 2010 with a Bachelor's in Business Administration and a Master's in Information Systems and Operations Management in 2012. 

As a young, black female, software developer, I didn't have much guidance or any role models to help me maneuver through this world of Technology, and I think it's important for other women on this same path to know they are not alone. After almost 6 years of working in my field, the one thing I can truly say that I've learned, is that there is always something new to learn and so many things we can learn from each other. 

I created this platform because I wanted there to be a place where my fellow Techie Sistahs could share their experiences, how they got on our career paths, and the exciting things they are doing in their careers. And at the same time, possibly spark interest in minds of the young black girls that look up to us everyday.